The Solution

The Solution

  1. We mitigate risk and protect assets on balance sheets.
    We re-price mispriced risk on the balance sheets of corporates and the financial services firms that own their debt and underwrite their risk. We identify stranded assets and opportunities to reallocate capital.

  2. We align natural capital with financial markets.
    We value the true cost of the environment from raw materials sourced from landscapes and allocate the cost of the environment to the cost of production of food, fiber and consumer products.

  3. We demonstrate the value of regeneration of resources to address risks to the planet, people and the economy.
    We demonstrate how utilizing regenerative agriculture, forestry, land and water use can create adaptive capacity, restore ecosystems, provide risk management solutions that value nature for adaptation finance and create investment opportunities as a hedge to inflation.

  • Birthday Sparks

    Photo By: John Doe
  • Our Science-based Approach Prices the Cost of the Environment into the Cost of Production Aligning Natural Capital with Financial Markets

    1. Enables the Transition to Regenerative Agriculture by delivering predictive analytics to transition food, fashion and consumer products supply chains to regenerative, nature positive production with solutions that decarbonize supply chains, reduce GHG emissions, sequester carbon, protect and restore the environment.

    2. Provides Transparency to the Environmental Footprint of Food, Fashion and Consumer Products while informing agricultural practices that deliver soil health, water quality, biodiversity, functioning ecosystems, resulting in improved food quality.

    3. Informs Earth Friendly Diets that Deliver Positive Human Health by measuring outcomes of agriculture practices to deliver soil, plant and animal health resulting in more nutrient dense food.

    4. Quantifies the Externalities of Production by measuring monitoring, reporting and verifying scope 3 GHG emissions reductions (CO2, N2O, CH4), carbon sequestration, improved soil health, water quality, biodiversity and habitat, providing transparent evidence to improve the integrity of carbon, biodiversity and nature markets.

    5. Values Nature and prices environmental externalities into the cost of production of food, fashion and consumer goods while enhancing human and planetary health via the circular bio-economy.
    6. Scales Ecosystem Restoration informing mitigation to climate change and biodiversity risk with nature-based solutions that protect, manage and restore working landscapes (farming and forestry), seascapes, freshwater and natural ecosystems. 

    7. Embeds Natural Capital within Financial Markets by re-valuing mis-priced climate and nature risk to align asset portfolios with changes in the biophysical world while delivering solutions for adaptation and resilience. 

    Supply Chain Disruptions are having a Material Impact on the Economy.

    Food Systems are Transitioning.

    Balancing Productivity with Environmental Outcomes to Achieve Resilience. 

    Earth Analytics Group Quantifies the Investment & Time to Benefits of Soil Health, Carbon, Nutrients, Water Quality & Biodiversity Habitat in the context of Cost of Production and Profit per Land Area Unit.


    Dynamic Monitoring of How Crops Grow in Time and Space

    We utilize 3 types of spatial and temporal data captured in situ to monitor:

    1. Phenology – Light use efficiency of plants
    2. Meteorology – Weather
    3. Soils – Physics, Chemistry and Biology, with grower data, crop, biogeochemical models and AI/ML to: 

    Platform Capabilities include: 

    1. Forecast Yield: Predict & record crop performance, in-season forecasts on land across a range of crops and geographies.
    2. Identify Varieties & Know Production History: Verify acres planted by crop & variety by location; assess past yield by location.
    3. Quantify Supply Risk: Assess crop vulnerability and risk associated with pests & disease, drought and floods.
    4. Monitor Environmental Outcomes: Monitor effects of nutrient cycling: GHG emissions (N2O, CO2, CH4), water quality, SOM.
    5. Optimize Genetic Potential: Evaluate performance of a variety's genetic potential x environment; select traits for yield & quality.
    6. Assess Land Capacity: Analyze historical yield relative to future climate; assess land suitability for biodiversity conservation. 

    Enterprise Business Analytics for Climate Change & Nature

    Quantifying the impact that businesses has on the environment and vice versa (double materiality). 

    We quantify the mis-priced risk (true cost) and value to invest in future proofing business operations, products, supply chains, and infrastructure.

    Uniting the Food, Energy, Water Nexus to address Climate Change and Nature Loss

    • Earth Analytics Group provides enterprise business analytics to mitigate the risks of climate change and nature loss on asset valuations on corporate balance sheets.
    • We align physical activities on the ground (Natural Climate Solutions) i.e. investments to mitigate the impact of future losses with financial performance.
    • While carbon and environmental services markets are a transition strategy, they do not accurately price the climate and nature risk to a corporate balance sheet or supply chain
    • A single price on carbon or nature does not represent the true cost of natural capital.
    • We are developing Earth Assets that are valued consistent with the business value of nature.
    • We are the biodiversity platform for the next generation of nature-related action. 
    • We help companies to measure and manage their biodiversity impact and risk in line with upcoming regulatory reporting frameworks such as the TNFD, SBTN, CSRD, and SFDR.

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